Wood chips
Wood chips are environmentally-friendly fuel, commonly used in heat and power plants. Our woodchips are carefully sourced from wood not usable for construction, furniture or pulp production. All sourced material complies with the applicable sustainability rules.

Round wood
Roundwood logs are the last applicable use of roundwood after harvest. It is produced from lower quality wood not suitable for sawing or pulp production. DSHwood trades roundwood logs mainly used for fuel in heat and power plants. All sourced material complies with applicable sustainability rules.

Hardwood pulp
DSHwood trades different types of fresh cut hardwood logs for pulp usage. The most common species are Beech and Sycamore Maple, for used in the pulp industry for printing paper and tissues. We provide custom-made pulp based on specific requirements.

Softwood pulp
DSHwood trades different types of fresh cut softwood logs for pulp usage. The pulp is used for a wide variety of products, from paper and boxes to textiles. We provide custom-made pulp based on specific requirements.